Parks, open spaces and footway lighting
Our Parks & Open Spaces team maintains 354 hectares of council-owned land. This includes two public parks, 14 play areas, five open cemeteries, 12 churchyards and over 200 hectares of woodland. Our open spaces cover 25 per cent of our major towns and are highly valued by our communities.
Maintenance regimes vary according to how often it is needed and the type of site it is. These range from regularly mown amenity areas like Castle Park to semi-natural habitats such as woodlands, wetlands and flower-rich grasslands. These latter sites have a higher value for wildlife.
Grass cutting and tree works
The grass cutting season usually runs from March/April through to October/November. We cut our grassed areas across the borough at various frequencies, depending on how often it is needed and the type of site it is. We also maintain our own tree stock. Further details are available.
Play areas and street scene
We maintain play areas and street scene assets, including bus shelters, street furniture, and street name plates that we own.
Footway lighting
We maintain a small stock of footway lighting on car parks, footpaths and small mostly rural pockets of land.
We manage Brisco Mount allotment site at Egremont. All other allotment sites within Copeland are managed by various town councils or associations.