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Towns Fund - Cleator Moor


HM Government     

The Government launched the Towns Fund to invest in towns and high streets across England as part of its plan to level up our regions. This brought together Town Deals and the Future High Streets Fund. 101 places were selected to work with Government and agree a Town Deal. 72 places were successful in securing Future High Streets funding.

In September 2019, we were invited to bid for up to £25 million of funding under the Towns Fund for Cleator Moor.

Cleator Moor - and each of the 101 towns selected to work towards a Town Deal - also received accelerated funding last year for investment in capital projects that would have an immediate impact and help places “build back better” in the wake of Covid-19.

Working with Copeland Borough Council, the Cleator Moor Town Deal Board secured an offer of £22.5 million from the Government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund initiative in July 2021 for the schemes which are set to ensure the town and its communities thrive now and into the future.

On November 10 2022 the council and the Cleator Moor Town Deal received the news that their businesses cases had been accepted and the offer of £22.5 million secured.

 The four projects are:

 Enterprising Town - a project to develop an enterprise campus on the Leconfield Industrial Estate aimed at leveraging the economic growth potential of the Sellafield supply chain through a cluster approach to growing and diversifying the West Cumbria economy.

 Revitalised Town - to increase activity and footfall around the Town Square by bringing vacant and under-utilised buildings back into active use while creating an attractive new public realm. Uses will include a new cultural community hub and enhanced business space.

 Healthy Town - enhancing existing sports and leisure provision as well as providing a modern multi-purpose centre including an indoor sports hall, flexible studio space, gym and café, alongside wider health and well-being provision and targeted youth activity. This will improve population health and generate more reasons for people to visit and spend time in Cleator Moor.

Connected Town - this scheme will deliver a high-quality integrated and sustainable transport network which improves connections between employment, education, amenities and leisure and transforms the accessibility and attractiveness of Cleator Moor.

** Please note a fifth project - Campus Town - was intially part of the process. This was retired in April 2022. More information can be found in the news section of the Cleator Moor Town Deal wesbite**

Please find below updates and information on the bid process.


View the prospectus that was issued to us by the Government.

View the Cleator Moor Spatial Framework document.

View the readiness checklist we were asked to submit for Cleator Moor.

View the map of the agreed area for Cleator Moor's bid.

A public meeting was held on January 16. View the presentation that was delivered.

View the Cleator Moor Assurance Framework 2021

View the make-up of the Board and members' profiles.

View the Declarations of Interest Protocol and Terms of Reference.

Agendas and minutes

Agenda for September 29, 2020 - reconvened on October 6, 2020

Agenda for October 20, 2020

Minutes for October 20, 2020

Agenda for December 1, 2020

Minutes for December 1, 2020

Agenda for December 17, 2020

Minutes for December 17, 2020

Agenda for January 21, 2021

Minutes for January 21, 2021

Agenda for June 25, 2021

Minutes for June 25, 2021

Agenda for August 20, 2021

Minutes for August 20, 2021

Agenda for November 18, 2021

Minutes for November 18, 2021

Agenda for February 24, 2022

Minutes for February 24, 2022

Agenda for May 4, 2022

Minutes for May 4, 2022

Agenda for June 6, 2022

Minutes for June 6, 2022

Agenda for December 15, 2022

Minutes for December 15, 2022

Agenda for March 9, 2023

Minutes for March 9, 2023

Agenda for June 8, 2023

Minutes for June 8, 2023

Agenda for November 20, 2023

Minutes for November 17, 2023

Agenda for February 22, 2024

Agenda for May 17, 2024

Minutes for May 17, 2024


A new website for the Cleator Moor Town Deal holds all press releases post February 2022.

Cleator Moor Innovation Quarter - part funded by the Town Deal - public views sought.

Cleator Moor Town Deal Board announces the appointment of its new Chair.

Cleator Moor will receive £500,000 of immediate funding for projects that will be completed by March 2021.

View the announcement that the Town Investment Plan has been agreed.

View the announcement that £22.5 million has been offered to Copeland Council and the Town Deal Board.

View the press release announcing all five projects will go through to the next stage.

View the press release showcasing the new 3G sports pitch.

View the press release announcing the progression of the leisure tender.

View the press release to announce the completion of the accelerated funding projects.

View the Town Investment Plan for Cleator Moor.

Follow the Board on Facebook for regular updates and information.

View the South Area Communications Plan.

View the Project Update Report.

Frequently Asked Questions (updated following the publication of the Town Investment Plan in July 2021)

Is this the final plan on which the Towns Fund money will be spent? 

  • No.  This is our bid document that made the case to the Government for investment in Cleator Moor.  We asked for a bit more money from Government than it has offered, so we are now in the process of making sure that we can still deliver all five projects with a £22.5m contribution from the Government. We then have a year to develop each project and submit our final plan next June.

Who will be responsible for receiving and spending the money once it is received? 

  • Copeland Borough Council will receive the money on behalf of the town and oversee the spend in line with each project agreed by the Town Deal Board. The Government requires each town to work with their Local Authority who provides the legal and financial support required to run a programme of this size.

Are the buildings and locations proposed for each development confirmed?

  • Not all.  We are targeting the Town Square and Leconfield, as two major priorities for the town.  We are also planning to improve the facilities at the Activities Centre to build on the recent pitch upgrade.  UCLan is keen to establish student accommodation in the town, but is still to determine the best site.  Once all sites are agreed, we will make improvements to the paths and cycleways that link these new developments.

How can I give my views on the outline plans?

What happens next?

  • We will agree the reprofiling of projects by the end of August 2021 and send that back to the Government to comply with the Heads of Terms.  We will then work with our project owners and a range of partners to develop the detailed case for investment in Cleator Moor.

Community engagement

A photo/video/artwork competition has been won by Sian Price.

We have produced a newsletter to update residents on progress made.

Residents can take part in a survey in relation to the Cleator Moor Activity Centre here