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Copeland Core Strategy and DM Policies Archive

This page intends to provide archive information of the process to adoption of the Copeland Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD.

To view the adopted Local Plan, visit the Copeland Local Plan 2013-2028 Core Strategy and Development Management Policies webpage.

On 5 December 2013, Copeland Borough Council resolved to adopt The Copeland Local Plan 2013 – 2028 Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD.

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting on 5 December 2013.


Core Strategy and Development Policies Public Examination

The Inspector Paul Crysell BSc MSc MRTPI was appointed by the Secretary of State to conduct the Examination.

The examination hearing took place on the 9 and 10 April 2013.

The Council drafted modifications as discussed with the Inspector and other parties who took part in the hearing. The Borough Council invited comments on the Schedule of Main Modifications, together with a request for any implications resulting from the revocation of the North West Regional Spatial Strategy, between 25 April and 7June 2013, thirteen responses were received to this consultation.

The Inspector carried out a short consultation regarding the potential implications of the CLG Planning Practice Guidance on Renewable and Low Carbon Energy published on 29 July 2013 on the Plan.  This consultation ended on Friday 16th August 2013. Four responses were submitted which were considered by the Inspector.


Inspector's Report on the Examination into the Copeland Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Plan

The Council received the Inspector's Report on the Examination into the Copeland Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Plan on the 27 September 2013. The Inspector recommended a number of modifications to the Plan to make it 'sound' and to enable the Council to adopt the Plan. The Inspector’s Report can be downloaded below.

Inspector's Report on the Examination into the Copeland Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Plan (27 September 2013)  (18.1 in Examination Document List)

The Inspector's Report was considered by the Local Development Framework Working Party in November 2013 for approval of the modifications. On approval, the final Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Plan was considered by Full Council who resolved to adopt the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD on 5th December 2013.

All submitted documents and responses considered during the Public Examination can be found in the Examination Document List.


Prior to the Pubic Examination the key stages in the development of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD were (with links to archived pages):

Copeland Local Development Framework Issues and Options Consultation - The Copeland LDF Issues and Options Consultation took place between 28 May and 10 July 2009. 

Copeland Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Preferred Options Consultation - The Core Strategy and Development Management Preferred Options Consultation took place between 10 May to 30 July 2010.  

Copeland Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Pre-Submission Consultation - The Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD Pre-submission Draft consultation took place between May 31 and 13 July 2012.