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Site Allocations and Policies Plan

The Site Allocations and Policies Plan will demonstrate how the adopted Core Strategy, and crucially the policies which outline the borough’s ambitious targets for growth and development, will be delivered on the ground, as well as identifying areas to be protected from development.  Together with the adopted Core Strategy and Development Management Policies it will provide the basis for determining planning applications.

The Local Plan should allocate enough land to meet the borough’s predicted needs over the plan period (2013-2028) which is identified in the adopted Core Strategy.  The Site Allocations and Policies Plan will achieve this with a suite of site specific policies followed by the proposed options for land allocations.  Once adopted, they will replace the remaining allocations that have been saved from the Copeland Local Plan 2001-2016.

Site Allocations and Policies Plan: Summary of Consultation Responses (Stage One)

The Council has produced a summary report of the consultation responses received as part of the Site Allocations and Policies Plan Preferred Options ten week consultation period held between Monday 12th January 2015 and Friday 20th March 2015.  The Draft Preferred Options consultation documents can be viewed on the Site Allocations and Policies Plan webpage.

The report provides and overview of those written responses received relating to the following areas:

  • The proposed site allocation policicies, which addresses a total of 47 questions;
  • The sites which the Council has proposed for allocation;
  • The 59 new site submissions made by respondents;
  • Written responses to the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal document.

The Council received 1,107 responses from 207 respondents including 59 new site submission forms, 411 site comment forms and 18 questionnaires. 

The Summary of Consultation Responses Report, with associated appendices, can be viewed via links below:

The original Site Allocations and Policies Plan Preferred Options consultation documents can be viewed via the links below:

Below are links to the Site Assessments undertaken to inform the above documents:


What happens next?

The Council will be submitting a Site Allocations and Policies Plan Preferred Options Stage Two Consultation during summer 2016.

For further information regarding the Copeland Local Plan and the Preferred Options consultation, please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01946 598300.  Email: