Published: 04/04/2019
COPELAND residents being troubled by noise nuisance can now make their own recordings to send to the local council.
Copeland Council has launched The Noise App to offer a free way for residents to record a 30-second clip that can be sent to the Environmental Health team for investigation.
To accompany the recording, residents are asked to add further details relating to their complaint via the app, including duration, frequency, and source of the nuisance. The complainant can then use the app to monitor the status of their complaint, and add further details and recordings if necessary.
Jackie O’Reilly, Copeland Council’s Public Protection Manager, said: “The Noise App is a free, easy and secure way of members of the public raising their noise-related concerns with us.
“Our residents who are being troubled by noise are best placed to provide us with the information and recordings, and highlight the impact it is having on them, and we encourage everyone who can use this app to do so.
“We appreciate however that the app won’t be appropriate for everyone, and we assure those who prefer not to use the app that we will continue to investigate and monitor noise complaints raised in the traditional way.”
The Noise App is available to download from app stores and is compatible on iPhones (minimum iOS 9.1) and androids (minimum 4.4). For more information and for an instructional video, visit
To make a noise complaint to Copeland Council in the traditional way, telephone 01946 598300 or email